Mirror me black ice, which black diamonds cannot surpass
Whose surface reflects back to thine, mirror me black glass
Gaze into, let me gaze through and as we meet the tween
Time be torn, reach be warm and lift the candlelight's sheen
Mirror me perception, whose deception and be clear
Consequences from their facts of fiction will know spear
Match their jabs in one pinprick and bind all further deed
Where from poison tongues lead thorny lips to spew with greed
Mirror me the enemy who comes in guise of friend
Don't you agree such treachery should feel bite they send?
Perhaps they'll greet return, clothed 'neath sheep's veil, as they wore
But find a wolf with pearled fangs, hungry to even score
Mirror me the love I've dreamt but yet to call by name
Whose beating heart, I quite often sense with rhythm same
In this life or the other side, I confide, I wait
Show the one who follows me, whose soul shall be thy mate
Mirror me calm and hush, when turmoil surrounds and drains
Fill draped windows with storms and wash confusion with rains
Thirteen wishes and thirteen kisses, before I'm done
And care to thee, 'til again, our gaze will be as one
© Kay Irvin